2010年11月26日 星期五

怎麼樣選擇好海鮮 How to choose fresh seafood.

剛剛在看Seafood Market Blog

1.色擇度,仍然炯炯有神的魚眼珠(說來有點可怕,如果它還瞪著你,就是很新鮮)-- 魚眼很容易就會變的混濁,雖然帶混濁眼珠的魚吃起來仍然安全,但可已經過了最佳賞味期囉!
千萬不要買聞起來噁噁的魚。 再怎麼煮都不好吃!(別以為你多灑一點調味料,它就會變新鮮)


4.如果魚販允許的話,用你的指頭捏一捏魚體。應該是有彈性的。捏下去的痕跡很快就會回復。 如果指痕還在,唉唷喂!換一條唄!

選擇一條活魚、一隻活蟹、一尾活龍蝦...嗯...活跳跳的最好! 牠、牠,或牠在箱子裡活跳跳嗎?游的很爽快嗎?



附上原文喔 (Attached original article from the blog.)
How to Select Fresh Seafood
Knowing how to choose fresh fish or seafood is a vital skill for a seafood cook. Unless you caught the fish yourself, you really have no way of knowing exactly how fresh it is. But buying fresh fish is easy if you know what to look for. Here are tips on choosing fresh fish.
Whole Fish

* Look for bright, clear eyes. The eyes are the window to a truly fresh fish, for they fade quickly into gray dullness. Dull-eyed fish may be safe to eat, but they are past their prime.
* Next look at the fish. Does it shine? Does it look metallic and clean? Or has it dulled or has discolored patches on it? If so, it is marginal.
* Smell it. A fresh fish should smell like clean water, or a touch briny or even like cucumbers. Under no circumstances should you buy a nasty smelling fish. Cooking won't improve it.
* Look at the gills. They should be a rich red. If the fish is old, they will turn the color of faded brick.

Fish Fillets

* Look for vibrant flesh. All fish fade as they age. If the fillet still has skin, that skin should look as pristine as the skin on an equally good whole fish – shiny and metallic.
* Smell it. The smell test is especially important with fillets. They should have no pungent aromas.
* Is there liquid on the meat? If so, that liquid should be clear, not milky. Milky liquid on a fillet is the first stage of rot.
* If the fishmonger lets you, press the meat with your finger. It should be resilient enough so your indentation disappears. If your fingerprint remains, move on.

Live Things
The best way to choose a live fish or crab or lobster is to look for, well, life. Is it scampering around in its tank? Swimming happily? Or is it sulking in a corner or hanging motionless and panting? If so, don’t buy it. Lobsters and crabs starve themselves in tanks and often can be almost empty inside when you crack open one that’s been imprisoned in a tank for weeks.
Your best bet is to make friends with the fishmonger and find out when the new shipments arrive. Plan on being there to meet it and buy then. You will be rewarded for your extra effort.

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